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2015 OPA+ Caucus Report

On May 23, 2015, the inaugural OPA+ Caucus was held and 27 Asians living with HIV participated at the historical event.  


The Caucus was divided into 3 modules:



This module focuses on group building of the participants at the OPA+ Caucus where they may be meeting for the first time. The activities include celebrating the diversity of the Asian cultures, and to find the negative and positive commonalities of Asians living with HIV,



This module focuses on understanding the GIPA/MEPA principles, the sharing of personal and community strengths, as well as the identification of the top 5 priority issues facing the Asian PHA community.


Modules Three - LOOKING AHEAD:

This module focuses on the brainstorming of specific strategies to address the top 5 priority issues facing the Asian PHA community which were identified earlier. As well, participants provide specific feedback as to what type of support would facilitate their participation in OPA+, and what they would like to see OPA+ achieve in the upcoming year.

Identified List of Priorities

1. Fighting Invisibility And Addressing Stigma Through Having A Strong Collective Voice For Asian PHAs In Ontario.


2. Enhancing Social Connection & Engagement.


3. Advocating for Issues Most Relevant for the Asian PHA communities.


4. Addressing Overall Health.


5. Facilitating Collaborations Amongst Communities.


6. Addressing issues being faced by the Asian Diaspora PHA community

    (e.g. Employment, Immigration issues; Language barriers).


7. Addressing an increase in international students testing HIV+ after arrival in Canada, and supporting the needs of newly diagnosed HIV+ Asian international students.


8. Addressing substance use and harm reduction within the Asian PHA community.

Ways To Engage With The Network

1. Monthly gathering


2. More frequent meetings that are shorter and less formal than the annual Caucus


3. An OPA+ webpage


4. Social media platforms such as a private OPA+ Facebook group

Looking Ahead

1. Support OPA+ members to become engaged with the network.


2. Set priorities for the year to enhance the well-being of Asians living with HIV in Ontario.


3. Plan for the next annual OPA+ Caucus.

“We are the Ontario Positive Asians! OPA+!”



Download Full Report in PDF 

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